How do you translate your ideas from raw thoughts and images into a story?
"Ha! If I knew the actual answer to that, I would totally bottle it up and sell it. Let's just say the formula involves a lot of tears, pajamas, chocolate, revising, hair-pulling, teeth-gnashing, coffee, and magic fairy dust. And tears. Did I mention tears?" - Sarah Ockler, author of Bittersweet.
"Sheer, bloody-minded logic! No, really!
I walk into a story knowing certain really random things about it: Right now, that's the ghosts of superheroes, and abandoned ferris wheels; the inside of a terrible, hurt, vindictive relationship, Vancouver, stormy skies, crows, and the tightrope walk between vigilanteism and civic responsibility. And since a list of things I just gut-deep know about a story is really not all that helpful when it comes to writing actual words, I start shuffling what I have around constantly: trying to find the lines of logic between them, finding how they might connect. And when they connect? I figure out what the implications of those connections are: "If that's true, then that would mean this also has to be true." And apply that back to the other things…" - Leah Bobet, author of Above.
"To me, storytelling is like throwing a football – it’s an ability you’re born with that can only be honed by practice. You can’t really learn it if you don’t have it in you. That’s why I’m not in the NFL." - Aaron Karo, author of Lexapros & Cons.
"I see scenes as I write them, I try to be inside them, and I attempt to write what I’m seeing and feeling. Sometimes it works better than others." - Ann Stampler, author of Where It Began.

"It's always more difficult than I think it will be. Sometimes it takes several attempts at a first draft before the story is going the way I want it to. As with anything, it's a matter of getting back up on that horse each time you fall off." - Alissa Grosso, author of Ferocity Summer.
"The raw thoughts and images are a daydream. The story is daydreaming through your fingers. It just sort of happens." - Kendare Blake, author of Girl of Nightmares.
"Once I have the beginnings of an idea, I let it percolate. I don’t write a single word until the first raw idea collides with a second idea, and possibly a third, and so on. Stories are built on idea amalgams." - Jennifer Bosworth, author of Struck.
"I give myself permission to follow an idea on paper without much planning. Sometimes I dream the place first and the characters begin to populate it. Other times, the first line or the character comes to me first and I create the world around her. The rest unfolds as I write." - Meg Medina, author of The Girl Who Could Silence the Wind.
"I mentally vomit onto the page. Truly, I’m not an outliner or a person who maps to word count goals. I get an idea, and just write until I have to go pick up my kids from preschool." - Cat Patrick, author of Revived.
"That's the question I ask myself every day. Usually, I type it really fast so as not to lose the idea, and then go back and add language that evokes the mood that I "saw" in my head. I find that I often need to slow down my original offering, adding more white space for better reflection." - Gwen Hayes, author of Dreaming Awake.
"Writing fiction (like any creative endeavor, I imagine) is a partnership between unconscious and conscious. Your unconscious feeds on your senses and experiences, and digests ideas and images; then it’s up to your conscious—with its cognitive and deductive properties, and its vocabulary—to interpret that coherently." - Nina Malkin, author of Swear.
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