What are five things that you always have on hand when writing, either physically or virtually?

"Something to drink. Nicotine lozenges. Sometimes a little buddha. My cell phone (where I can read a little message to myself that says: get back to work, slacker dork). Notebook for notes." - Geoff Herbach, author of Stupid Fast.

2. At least one free hand (two is preferred) -- See #1.
3.... hmm...
I like to write at a desk in a comfortable chair. But I have written on the floor and in a bed and on a couch and outside on a mountaintop. (Not recommended. Way too much wind and glare on mountaintops.) I like to have chocolate nearby, but it isn't essential. (Shhh, don't tell my husband that. He buys me fudge during particularly challenging revisions.) Really, the only other necessary thing is:
4. Sheer pig-headed stubbornness -- Sometimes life is busy or the writing doesn't flow or you're tired/sick/grumpy/whatever. To be a writer, you have to do it anyway. I firmly believe that the most important trait for a writer to possess -- more important than talent or intelligence or a sense of humor or nice hair -- is perseverance." - Sarah Beth Durst, author of Drink, Slay, Love.
"Tea: Earl Grey in winter, apricot iced tea in summer. Relative quiet. My Macbook Air. Microsoft Word and either Write or Die, which I find very helpful while first-drafting, or Mac Freedom." - Jessica Spotswood, author of Born Wicked.
"A mug of tea or a Diet Coke, a ziploc bag of frozen (and now rotten) lima beans, my favorite hoodie, self-doubt, the advice of my wonderful advisors from Vermont College of Fine Arts (where I got my MFA)." - Marianna Baer, author of Frost.
"Coffee, a cat, good light, silence—and my ego box. Ego has no place anywhere near my story or in my head because no one is that good." - Ilsa Bick, author of Ashes.
"I need something to sip. The drink choice varies. Morning: coffee. Afternoon: Water. Night: Wine or tea." - Angie Frazier, author of The Eternal Sea.
"I always have my lap top and my hands and a glass of water. In the morning I usually have coffee and if I'm drafting a new book I like to have music. (Had to add the hands in there to get five things. I'm low maintenance!)" - Stacey Jay, author of Juliet Immortal.
"Being kind." - Stephanie Perkins, author of Lola & the Boy Next Door.
"My fingers. My computer. My stubbornness. Hopefully, my brain. And something hot to drink." - Amy Garvey, author of Cold Kiss.

"Fresh air (through screened windows), magnifying glasses, quiet, a keyboard, or, more and more, a simple pen and paper." - Beth Kephart, author of You are My Only.
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