What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned about yourself in your journey as a writer?
(NOTE: Don't forget to enter the huge giveaway!)
(NOTE: Don't forget to enter the huge giveaway!)

"I've learned that I never want to plateau. I always want to be reading, and writing, and rewriting, learning and improving at every opportunity. I want to find new reasons to be excited with my work even if I'm at this gig for a hundred years (which I will be, if I live that long)." - Lauren Destefano, author of Wither.

"That sometimes the road can lead you to exactly where you've always longed to be." - Andrea Cremer, author of Nightshade.
"I am not as patient, calm, or rational as I previously thought." - Robin Benway, author of The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May, and June.
"I’m the first one to say that I’m shy, and that the notion of public speaking makes me break out in hives. And yet, since becoming serious about writing, I’ve attended more conferences and conventions than I can count, have been on numerous panels, have moderated numerous panels, have done workshops and led programs, and in 2011 I’ll be the Writer Guest of Honor at Albacon and doing a panel at the Rochester Teen Book Festival. I never would have guessed I had that in me. So somewhere along the way, I found some confidence." - Jackie Kessler, author of Rage.

"I’ve learned that I will never be good enough at writing to suit myself. " - Rae Carson, author of The Girl of Fire and Thorns.
"I went a long time thinking that I didn’t want people to read my work, but now that they have, I’ve realized that I do. Hearing feedback from readers is incredibly rewarding. Now I can’t wait for people to read it, whether they end up loving it or hating it." - Veronica Roth, author of Divergent.
"That I am muuuuuuch more private than I thought. I'm a pretty extroverted person. I like to hang out with likeminded souls, and I'm always trying to make people laugh with (sometimes AT) me. But once the book was out, I found myself really drawing back and needing more space between Writer Person Rachel, and Author Person Rachel (I maintain that 'writers' and "authors" are two different beasts), and Friend/Wife/Mama/Daughter Rachel." - Rachel Hawkins, author of Demonglass.
"That I’ve always been a writer, even though I didn’t realize it until a year and a half ago. That fact still surprises me." - Michelle Hodkin, author of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer.

"That I have a voice and it is powerful. I went through most of my until I was in my late 30's suppressing internalizing my feelings - not a healthy practice, one which resulted in depression and bulimia. Discovering my voice as a writer has been integral to my growth as a woman and my ability to live a happier and fulfilled life." - Sarah Darer Littman, author of Life, After.
"My own worst enemy is me. The negative voices in my head, my tendency to procrastinate, my inability to focus ... this internal battle is wearying and solitary. That's why I've come to love social media--it provides the team spirit I need to get over myself." - Mitali Perkins, author of Bamboo People.
"I don't mind pissing people off. Or offending them. It makes me feel deliciously artistic." - Dia Reeves, author of Slice of Cherry.
"I’ve learned that I can have a thick skin—but only when I absolutely HAVE to. The rest of the time, I’m still overly sensitive." - Emily Wing Smith, author of The Way He Lived.
"That under the right circumstances, I can easily slip into the role of workaholic. I would never have expected that of myself. I sometimes have to be reminded that there’s more to life than a laptop and make-believe characters." - Kimberly Derting, author of Desires of the Dead.
"I don't know how interesting it is, but I'm now very aware of what my strengths and weaknesses are--and that's a good thing. There's nothing wrong with having weaknesses--we all have 'em-- but I think it's very important to be self-aware." - Kristi Cook, author of Haven.

"ALL of my main characters are me in some way, even if I really don’t think they are." - Holly Hoxter, author of The Snowball Effect.
Find out Tuesday how the authors know when their manuscripts are ready to leave the nest!
Hmmm, if weirdness sounds better on paper, I should definitely try doing that!
ReplyDeleteI really love this! Everyone has so many great insights!
ReplyDeleteAnd P.S.- Your layout changed? I really love it! :)