What reality TV show would your main character most likely appear on and why?

"Kira is way too busy saving the world to bother with a reality show. Even after the world is saved, she'd just throw herself into something else with obsessive dedication. It's who she is; I don't think she could survive without a cause." - Dan Wells, author of Fragments.

"Stan Lee’s Superhumans, naturally. It’s a little known series, but was a huge inspiration for me while writing a novel about human mutations." - Natalie Whipple, author of Transparent.
"I Was a Teenage Gargoyle. Oh wait…that’s not a real reality show??" - Page Morgan, author of The Beautiful and the Cursed.

"The character I’m writing now could very well be featured in a special juvenile edition of Lockup: Extended Stay. That’s all I’ll say." - Nova Ren Suma, author of 17 & Gone.

"Laurence would hate to appear on TV, but given his ability to survive on limited resources, he’d probably cope quite well in I’m a celebrity, get me out of here." - Dave Cousins, author of 15 Days Without a Head.

"The Amazing Race possibly. I think Sloane and James would win the million dollars." - Suzanne Young, author of The Program.

"Probably The Bachelor, but she'd cry a lot. She doesn't do well with mean girls." - Emma Carlson Berne, author of Never You Let Go.

"Survivor, because that’s what she is. Marina has lived through things no one is supposed to be able to live through, and she’s determined to make sure those she cares about can do the same when their time comes." - Josin McQuein, author of Arclight.

"Cops. Cricket does many things worthy of a beating with a police baton." - Scott Blagden, author of Dear Life, You Suck.

"Storage wars. Sifting though other people's crap is Mallory's actual job." - Lindsey Leavitt, author of Going Vintage.

"Sorry, I can't answer this, as I don't watch any television and wouldn't know how any of the reality shows shape up." - Lois Ruby, author of Rebel Spirits.
Find out Tuesday if the authors approach research physically or virtually.
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