What does a book blurb mean to you as a reader and a writer?

"I really don't read blurbs when I pick up a book. I've usually already talked to people or read something interesting about it, or heard something on public radio. As a writer, it's a relief to get blurbed, because publishers like that." - Geoff Herbach, author of Stupid Fast.
"As a reader, I don’t tend to pay much attention to blurbs. They’re such short sound-bites. If an author I love takes the time to rave about a book on their blog, then I might be persuaded to check it out. As a writer, of course I’d love to have the validation of an author I admire publicly saying they love my work, though." - Jessica Spotswood, author of Born Wicked.

Similarly, don’t promise what the book can’t deliver or isn’t about. Nothing ticks me off more than a book which tries to play up, say, a romantic element when that’s really only a tertiary concern. Trust the story." - Ilsa Bick, author of Ashes.

"Honestly, as a reader, they don’t sway my decision to purchase a book. I care more about the flap copy. As a writer, it feels great to know a fellow author has enjoyed my novel—it’s like being handed a big cupcake! But it’s not something I need to feel validated as a writer." - Angie Frazier, author of The Eternal Sea.
"As a reader a blurb is a read-alike recommendation. I assume that if I've loved the blurber's books, that I'm going to at least enjoy the blurbee's book. As a writer, it means a fellow author is putting his/her name on the line to say that my book is a read they respected and enjoyed. And that means a hell of a lot." - Stacey Jay, author of Juliet Immortal.
"As a reader, I'm suspicious of books that don't have blurbs. That's terrible to admit, but it's true. As a writer, they're a great honor to receive. It means that someone else likes your work enough to put their own name on it. I don't take that lightly. Therefore, I don't give blurbs lightly either." - Stephanie Perkins, author of Lola & the Boy Next Door.
"It depends on the blurb and the book. Some books I want to read no matter what anyone says, and other times a blurb from a writer I respect is going to persuade me. As a writer, if someone I love blurbs my book, I do a private little dance which no one will ever see." - Amy Garvey, author of Cold Kiss.
"A book blurb is the single most important tool in selling your book, in my opinion. It's like the twenty second commercial for your TV show - you've got to hook readers with something interesting quickly or they're not going to tune in to see more." - Gemma Halliday, author of Deadly Cool.
"A headache! Just kidding. It’s funny I can write a novel, but struggle with a 150 word blurb. It’s getting easier with each book. I’m always dissecting other blurbs to see the magic mixed within—then I check it again after I read the book so see if I glean the same meaning." - Brena Pandos, author of The Emerald Talisman.

Stop by Tuesday to find out what the authors think is the hardest emotion to convey on the page.
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Hi, Susan, how funny to see this on your site! As a reader, I assume that blurbs are written by the authors' pals, because generally that's how it is.
ReplyDeleteI thought I had all the blurbs I needed until I wrote in a different genre and my editor wanted blurbs from YA authors. Lucky for me, you heard how I hate asking for blurbs and asked for me! I never expected that and I'm quite appreciative.
I enjoy reading blurbs! Sometimes if one of my favorite authors blurbs a book then I'll be extra interested in reading it but mostly I just read the blurbs for entertainment value. Especially like the blurbs on the covers of the Mortal Instruments series. They always mention something about the books being "sexy" without fail. It cracks me up. XD