What writing technique or storytelling method is most intimidating to you?
"‘Literary’ writing. Sometimes I pick up a book that is so beautifully written, I feel a little sad that I’m not that kind of wordsmith. I’m not a poet. I’m a capable writer, and my two strengths are conveying action in an exciting way, and humor. So I play to those, and I don’t try to write ‘beautiful’ prose. It just comes off as self-conscious." - Amy Kathleen Ryan, author of Glow.

"Poetry. I know it when I see it, but I can't do it. Same with anything "in verse". I admire authors who can do it well." - Brodi Ashton, author of Everneath.

"I found screenplay format to be absolutely impossible. I’d love to try stage play one day, though." - Anna Sheehan, author of A Long, Long Sleep.
"The ability to write compelling scenes where there is little or nothing going on plotwise, just characters interacting, being themselves, thinking, intimidates me a bit. When I pull it off though there's nothing that makes me happier." - Jeff Hirsch, author of The Eleventh Plague.
"I write in the third person and tend to alternate points of view between my two main characters, which I enjoy a lot. I have experimented with writing in the first person, and may yet do so someday, but I would have to contend with seeing everything in the story through one character’s eyes. It’s intriguing though." -Teresa Flavin, author of The Blackhope Enigma.

"I think it's safe to say I'll never tell a story in anything but prose." -Susan Beth Pfeffer, author of Blood Wounds.
"Pure action. I’ve always shied away from stories where a character is in immediate physical jeopardy -- battles, chases, attacks, that kind of thing. I’m just convinced I’ll suck at it. Although I’ve never tried, so maybe I should just to see what happens." - Jennifer Castle, author of The Beginning of After.
"Writing without an outline terrifies me! I couldn't do it." - Melissa Walker, author of Small Town Sinners.
"I'd love to try writing in 3rd person. I think it's a whole lot harder than first person." - Julia Karr, author of XVI.
"I think writing an omniscient viewpoint would be extremely challenging. As a writer, you’re sort of floating above it all and existing in everyone’s head at once, and conveying that convincingly sounds like hard work." - Kiki Hamilton, author of The Faerie Ring.

"I'm not a terribly experimental writer as far as form. I can't see myself doing something like an unreliable narrator, although you never know. I move easily between first and third POV, and single or multiple viewpoints, but I'm pretty straightforward otherwise." - Jaclyn Dolamore, author of Between the Sea and Sky.
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Yes, you see more ARCs in the photo than are listed below, but you'll receive what's listed. |
Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday (signed hardcover)
Small Town Sinners by Melissa Walker (signed hardcover)
The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle (signed hardcover)
Everneath by Brodi Ashton (signed hardcover)
You Are My Only by Beth Kephart (signed ARC)
Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood (signed hardcover)
Damage by Anya Parrish (signed ARC)
Dead on the Delta magnets
Juliet Immortal postcards
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Giveaway ends 12/28 at 11:59p.m.
Stop by Thursday to learn what writing techniques and methods are intimidating to the rest of the authors.
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I would love to see these authors try new techniques, just for the fun of it. I bet they'd be better at it than they give themselves credit for!