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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Author Insight: Authorial Appetites

What's the worst day's diet you can recall eating while engrossed in a project?

"Definitely the time I downed too many jalapeno poppers." - K. Ryer Breese, author of Future Imperfect

"Coffee, coffee, and more coffee. Yip, that just about sums it up." - Leigh Fallon, author of The Carrier of the Mark. 

"McDonald’s and chocolate pie and sour patch kids all in the same day. Not. Pretty." - Elana Johnson, author of Possession. 

"Chips and salsa. There have been days when I've forgotten to eat entirely aside from a snack like that until I'm utterly starving." - Stephanie Kuehnert, author of Ballads of Suburbia. 

"I eat a lot of cereal because it takes minor preparation and can be finished in five minutes. I like shredded wheat squares because they taste like cardboard.  In the winter, I switch that up to oatmeal with dried cranberries." - Marta Acosta, author of  Haunted Honeymoon.

"Toast. For days.  And then some more toast.  But now I generally stock up on fresh fruit and frozen dinners when I know a deadline or writing spike is coming..." - Alyxandra Harvey, author of Haunting Violet.

"Forgetting to eat at all. BAD idea." - Dawn Metcalf, author of Luminous

"Burgers (plural-- there was more than one burger involved) for lunch, Chinese take-out for dinner, and licorice for second dinner.  I had a horrendous belly ache after that one." - Josephine Angelini, author of Starcrossed

"Twelve cups of black coffee, dry cereal, toast. Please don’t try this at home." - Alison Goodman, author of Eona

"I once at nothing but chocolate-covered pretzels and ice-cream forhalf a day. I spent the second half of the day paying for it." - Leah Cypess, author of Nightspell

"Saltines with Cholula sauce, an entire box of Crunch ‘n’ Munch, 8 Diet Cokes & at least 15 cups of coffee. Edits were due. I sat at my desk  for 68 hours straight. Except to get up and forage for the aforementioned delights. And pee." - Trinity Faegen, author of The Mephisto Covenant

"I have a bad habit of just having honey nut cheerios and green tea and then realizing at dinner that I haven’t eaten anything else all day. Once I even accidentally poured the cheerios in the tea since I always use a mug and rarely pay much attention to eating while I write. Luckily, Mike has realized that the easiest solution to making me eat is to just put it in front of me. I end up eating without thinking while still typing away with the other hand." - Emma Michaels, author of The Thirteenth Chime.

 "There have been days when I existed on tortilla chips and Twizzlers. Definitely not the healthiest diet in the world." - Tera Lynn Childs, author of Sweet Venom

Find out Thursday what's the worst day's diet the rest of the authors have eaten while working on a book!
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1 comment:

  1. Love this! I'm totally into Sour Patch Kids lately too... and donuts.
