How much of a manuscript are you willing to change at the request of an agent or editor? Would you change it if it meant a certain distributor or book club wouldn't offer your book otherwise?
"Ah, the age-old question. :-) If I agreed with a change suggestion and felt it would improve the story in a meaningful way, I'm always game to change it. If it's a change I don't agree with, I'll talk to my editor and explain my concern. It's a difficult thing to balance – trying to keep your publisher happy while also maintaining the integrity of the work as you created it – but it's a natural part of being under contract." - Kay Cassidy, author of The Cinderella Society.
"I will change everything, if it still keeps the story the way I want it. There's a difference in writing and story. If it's a matter of writing--the tense, the voice, the POV--that doesn't matter. If it's a matter of story--the meat of what I'm trying to say, the moral or theme or idea--that's what can't change, at least not significantly. It's the story that makes the book, not the writing." - Beth Revis, author of Across the Universe.
"The art of editing is a talent separate from writing. As a first-time author, I felt it wise to defer to those with experience in the publishing business, and in the end, my agent and editor provided extensive and excellent feedback that resulted in a much tighter plot and a better novel. I’m willing, as a team, to make whatever changes are necessary to produce a salable book. As for editing to avoid rejection by book clubs or distributors, my answer is a qualified “no.” Obviously, I’d prefer for my novels to remain as true to my original vision as possible, but a writer who is unwilling to adjust to the sensibilities of a fickle marketplace is of little value to a publisher and typically dooms himself to a stubborn insignificance." - Ty Roth, author of So Shelly. 

"I'm willing to change a lot, as long as it's not someone saying- 'write it this way'. My agents and editor usually have suggestions or point out a problem. Then it's my job to fix it, to come up with a solution that works for me, as a storyteller and for them, trying to sell the story. As far as a distributor or book club? I don't know- it would depend on what it was. I wouldn't change anything that was integral to the story." - Maurissa Guibord, author of Warped.
"Probably. People talk a lot about artistic integrity, but I think there's something huge to be said for collaborating, especially if you're lucky enough to be working with people who understand you and whose visions you really respect. If my editor tells me to change something, I believe her. She's trying to make the book the best it can be and help it reach its intended audience, like I said above. Books need editors!" - Hannah Moskowitz, author of Invincible Summer.

"I’m always appreciative of editorial suggestions that may result in a stronger, more resonant manuscript and give those my utmost consideration. If the requested change had a neutral effect and a business benefit, then I might weigh that as well. However, I wouldn’t do anything to weaken the book, and there are certain requests I’d reject outright. For example, I wouldn’t change a protagonist from, say, Native American to white because that would make a particular distributor more likely to pick it up." - Cynthia Leitich Smith, author of Blessed.
"I'm not sure I could quantify this in terms of percentage or number of words. If the requested revisions resonated (ooo, alliterate much?) with me, I'd be willing to change quite a bit. The end result is an amazing manuscript. Sometimes, you need outside help to get it there. As for distributors or book clubs, I feel like if what I wrote was that problematic for them, it's problematic for a damn good reason and probably needs to be said as is." - Gretchen McNeil, author of Possess.
"So far, I haven't disagreed with my editor on anything significant, and my editor has always been very open to my feedback. If I have strong feelings about one of her suggestions, we'll find ways to work around it so we're both happy. To change a book for sales purposes? It really depends on the book and the circumstance. Some books are more near and dear to my heart than others, and some ASPECTS of a book are more near and dear my heart. But a girl's gotta pay her bills, so it depends on how important the financial ramifications of being stubborn are, too." - Jaclyn Dolamore, author of Between the Sea and Sky.
"I have a lot of respect for the opinions of my editors, my agent, and the people who are in the business of selling books. There are things that go to the heart of the story that I can't or won't change, but that decision always comes from the gut. There's no way to describe what is the line that I will or won't cross." - Inara Scott, author of Delcroix Academy: The Candidates.
"Distribution doesn’t matter to me as much as what’s behind the cover. If the suggestion will make the manuscript stronger, then I’m all for the change." - Kim Harrington, author of Clarity.

"I don't think it's a matter of how much I would change so much as what I would change. Because I could change a significant section of a book, like 40k words out of 90k, and that could be no problem. But then there could be one very important scene that I don't want to change and it's only that one scene." - Stacia Kane, author of City of Ghosts.
On Thursday the rest of the authors discuss how much they're willing to change to get a book published.
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Great idea for a series!