Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What am I reading in September? Whatever I want!

September is here, and it's time to read your own books! Shove the review stack aside, and make room in your TBR for all the books you've bought over the years. I have an ambitious list, but I'm going to try to get to all of them.

It's a mix of things I own and ARCs I'm dying to read. You can see the full list below and the reasons I want to read them...

Highly Recommended
Take Me There by Carolee Dean
Andye at Reading Teen has been telling me about this book forever and it's about time I read it.

The Hourglass Door by Lisa Mangum
Meaghan at A Bookworm's Haven  adores this series and preaches it every chance she gets.

Once Every Never by Lesley Livingston
Cat from Beyond Elsewhere said this was a fun twist on a magical/paranormal story. I'm in!

Stupid Fast by Geoff Herbach
Kristi from The Story Siren heard Geoff read at BEA and said it was hillarious. Then I met him at ALA and he was hillarious.

Piqued My Interest
Crush Control by Jennifer Jabaley
Hypnotism and luuuurve. This has to be a cute story.

Dark Heart Forever by Lee Monroe
I'll admit to cover lust on this one. *hangs head in shame*

Ripple by Mandy Hubbard
This book stuck with me from the first time I heard about it, but no buzz ever materialized.

The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Catherine Valente
Awesome title and I've heard from several people that it is an equally awesome book.

Unwind by Neal Shusterman
Taking apart kids for parts in leiu of abortion. WHAT!?

Working Stiff by Rachel Caine
Reanimation and intrigue!

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
People have had such diverse opinions on this book, which deals with incest, that I have to find out what mine is.

Must Read ARCs
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Supposedly the ending is a huge OMG. And if that wasn't enough, I think Michelle might kill me if I don't read it soon.

Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst
Vampires and unicorns = PURE WIN

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Any book an author describes at Deadliest Catch meets My Little Pony needs to be in my TBR. Oh yes.

So tell me, who is participating in September is Read Your Own Books Month? What books are you planning to read? Leave it in the comments!

Also remember that myself and three other bloggers will each be posting once a week about reading our own books and hope you'll join in on the coversation with your own posts and comments.

Monday - Wastepaper Prose
Wednesday - Teresa's Reading Corner
Thursday - Chick Loves Lit
Friday - Bookalicious

You can also follow the conversation on Twitter with hashtag #SIRYOBM.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Author Insight: Favorite Part of Fiction

What is your favorite part of writing fiction and why?

"I guess I'll paraphrase Toni Morrison here and say, there are just so many books I want to read that haven't been written yet. The joy of writing fiction is attempting to write those books." - K. Ryer Breese, author of Future Imperfect

"I love being taken away to another world, another life, and all the possibilities that they hold. I adore coming up with new characters, learning their likes and dislikes and seeing them develop in real living breathing people who you care for deeply." - Leigh Fallon, author of The Carrier of the Mark. 

"The emotional unburdening. It’s like free therapy." - Elana Johnson, author of Possession. 

"Those moments when the story just clicks and you are so wrapped up in the world of your characters that you are thinking about them, dreaming about them, waiting for them to walk into your real life, when you realize that you are enjoying the world you have created just as much as some of your favorite fictional worlds that others have created. I write to tell a good story, and those are the moments when I know I might actually be achieving that goal!" - Stephanie Kuehnert, author of Ballads of Suburbia. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

ARC Giveaway: Shut Out & The Predicteds

Shut Out by Kody Keplinger
Release: September 5, 2011

Description (Goodreads):
Most high school sports teams have rivalries with other schools. At Hamilton High, it's a civil war: the football team versus the soccer team. And for her part, Lissa is sick of it. Her quarterback boyfriend, Randy, is always ditching her to go pick a fight with the soccer team or to prank their locker room. And on three separate occasions Randy's car has been egged while he and Lissa were inside, making out. She is done competing with a bunch of sweaty boys for her own boyfriend's attention.

Lissa decides to end the rivalry once and for all: she and the other players' girlfriends go on a hookup strike. The boys won't get any action from them until the football and soccer teams make peace. What they don't count on is a new sort of rivalry: an impossible girls-against-boys showdown that hinges on who will cave to their libidos first. And Lissa never sees her own sexual tension with the leader of the boys, Cash Sterling, coming.

The Predicteds by Christine Seifert
Release Date: September 1, 2011

Description (Goodreads):
Daphne is the new girl in town and is having trouble fitting in. At least she has Jesse... sort of. He wants to be more than "just friends," but there's something he's not telling her about his past. Something dangerous. When a female student is brutally attacked, police turn to PROFILE, a new program that can predict a student's capacity for drug use, pregnancy, and violent behavior, to solve the case. As the witch hunt ensues, Daphne is forced to question her feelings for Jesse-and what she will do if her first love turns out to be a killer.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Creature Feature Friday: Banshees

You've heard from a lot of bloggers about a lot of paranormal creatures over the last few weeks. They've tackled vampires, angels, dragons, witches, elves, mermaids, and nephilim. Now, Emily from Emily's Reading Room is here to take on an more elusive creature, the banshee...

What is a banshee?
Banshees originated in Gaelic legends. And frankly, they could be some of the most terrifying villains ever. They herald death with a wail that will make your blood run cold, hair stand on end, and all other kinds of horrible cliches. Some have described it as a low moan, while others have said it is a loud shriek.

What do you love about banshees?
Banshees have the horrible job to notify those that are about to die of their impending doom. They are dressed in gray or white, and can be either young and beautiful, or old and terrifying. I really think that this paranormal creature is one of the least utilized in literature. While many legends have mentioned the horror or despair that the wail of a banshee brings, I think that they are misunderstood. I mean, why blame the messenger, right?

Favorite banshee in fiction:
Frankly, the only banshee in literature that I can remember is in Harry Potter. Banshees are mentioned a couple times in the series, but I most remember Gilderoy Lockhart’s tale of his conquest of one, as well as the egg that wails in The Goblet of Fire.

Favorite banshee in pop-culture:
I don’t watch a whole lot of really scary horror movies, so I haven’t seen any banshees in movies.

If you like banshees then you should read…
Someone needs to write a great banshee book. I heard that Kiersten White loves them as well, so maybe she can be persuaded...

Also check out...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

More Author Insight: Book Intimidation

Have you ever set out to read a book and found it intimidating?

"The Hunger Games wasn't at all what I expected, and it completely floored me. I reread it half a dozen times in the space of two months, just trying to absorb it, and I've never tired of it. I wouldn't say I was intimidated as much as I was fascinated with how Collins wove together such a compelling story." - Aimee Carter, author of The Goddess Test

"Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. Because it is an ENORMOUS saga, and daunting. The whole lot of it still on the TBR pile, I'm sorry to say." - Leanna Renee Hieber, author of Darker Still and  The Perilous Prophecy of Guard and Goddess.

"I did find M.T. Anderson's The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing rather intimidating because of the ambitious scope of the story. It's a beautiful novel, but not one to be read for passive entertainment. One must have all brain cylinders firing in order to properly absorb it. (In my case, this probably means that I missed a lot.)" - Sonia Gensler, author of The Revenant


"Not really.  I have to say I have found books other people love that, after reading a few pages or chapters, I am not interested in pursuing.  Writers don’t intimidate me so much as they leave me, as a reader, out of the conversation.  They seem to be writing for someone else.  They’re allowed to do that.  It doesn’t bother me to fail to get “into” a book.  That said, trilogies drive me crazy.  When I read a book I want to believe it is the whole story.  And I simultaneously love series.  Seems contradictory, even to me." - Randy Russell, author of Dead Rules.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Forever signing in Williamsburg

Winding down her Forever Roadtrip, Maggie Stiefvater stopped in Williamsburg at Barnes & Noble on Merchants Square. I didn't make it to the launch party in northern Virginia, so I hit this event on August 5 with Louise from Between the Covers. I couldn't miss it you see, but I'd been there for events for the first two Wolves of Mercy Falls books, and I was going for the trifecta!

I got there about a half an hour early and Maggie was already there, caffeine in hand. She was hiding among the stacks talking books and Nooks and sharing roadtrip anecdotes with bookstore employees working the event while waiting for her introduction.

About fifty people showed up, filling the little upstairs seating area at the bookstore. She didn't do a reading of Forever since she'd already read the first chapter online a few months back. Instead she talked about writing Shiver because she wanted to make people cry themselves ugly, complete with snot bubbles, and hopefully ruin their evening in the process. She also confessed that she hand been french kissed by a real, live wolf. See eveidence here.

She chatted a bit about her forthcoming novel, The Scorpio Races (Scholastic, 10/18/11). It's a standalone novel that Maggie described as Deadlist Catch meets My Little Pony. 'Nough said. It's got blood, beaches, and kissing, people! Oh, and there might be a giveaway for a copy at the end of this post...Maybe.

As always, Beau did a great job organizing the event. Beau and Maggie both raffled off books and gift cards. Two of the gift cards were to Wythe Candy, the store that inspired the candy shop in Shiver. (Yes, it does smell that delicious.)

She said that when she went in to buy $10 gift cards the shop clerk questioned her. "Are you sure you want $10 certificates?" Maggie replied, "Should I get $25?" Clerk: "$10 is a lot of candy." Ultimately, she and Maggie had to agree to disagree.

After all the prizes were raffled off, everyone who came got to take one thing  off the swag table. There were heart-shaped "Forever Maggie" keychains, USB drives and foreign editions of Maggie's books. The table was absolutely ravaged by night's end.

Then it was time for cake! There has been a cake at every Wolves of Mercy Falls event held in Williamsburg. All of them have been amazing, not only because they are near perfect replicas of the book cover, but because they are preservative free and thus Maggie-friendly.

Maggie was particularly excited about this year's cake...

When the signing started I got a chance to catch up with some friends who drive hours just to be at the event. Kaila, who created the original Shiver shirt, came down from NYC and picked up her friend Sara in Pennsylvania along the way. Of course, Kaila also made a shirt for this event.

And after Maggie signed the bag full of books I'd brought for myself and others, I had to get a pic with her. As always, she couldn't behave for the mere seconds necessary to take a photo. I suppose, after so many unique photos that a "normal" one with Maggie would just seem out of place here, huh?

Fill out the form below to throw your name in the proverbial hat for your chance to win a signed copy of The Scorpio Races, which releases on October 18, 2011.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Uncovered: Royal Street by Suzanne Johnson

This is probably the single most exciting cover reveal I have ever done because it is for my friend and critique partner Suzanne Johnson's debut urban fantasy novel, Royal Street. It's the first book in the Sentinels of New Orleans series coming from Tor, and will be followed in fall 2012 by River Road. Suzanne also just got news that book three, tenatively titled Elysian Fields, is a go and will likely be released sometime in 2013.

As part of the cover release today, Suzanne is giving away a signed cover flat for Royal Street, which is basically the front and back covers of the book stretched flat. Click on the image of her cover below to jump over to her blog and enter.

Royal Street is an amazing book that has hooked me every time I've read it. There are wizards and wolves and shifters and even an undead pirate! It is clever, witty, and full of intricate worldbuilding. There's even some snark and several Lord of the Rings references thrown in for good measure.

I recall Suzanne fretting over what kind of cover she'd get and remember what she said when she was asked what she didn't want to see on the cover of Royal Street. Her response: "D.J. scantilly clad and holding a gun." Well, neither of those things made the cover and I am so glad!

Cliff Neilsen, who designed covers for Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series, did the cover and it is absolutely gorgeous. It is D.J. without question, and all of the little New Orleans details are amazing. Just take a look....

Description from Suzanne Johnson:
As the junior wizard sentinel for New Orleans, Drusilla Jaco’s job involves a lot more potion-mixing and pixie-retrieval than sniffing out supernatural bad guys like rogue vampires and lethal were-creatures. Her boss and mentor, Gerald St. Simon, is the wizard tasked with protecting the city from anyone or anything that might slip over from the preternatural beyond. Then Hurricane Katrina hammers New Orleans’ fragile levees, unleashing more than just dangerous flood waters. While winds howled and Lake Pontchartrain surged, the borders between the modern city and the other world crumbled. Now, the Undead and the Restless are roaming the Big Easy, and a serial killer with ties to voodoo is murdering soldiers sent to help the city recover. Gerald St. Simon has gone missing, the wizards’ Elders have assigned a grenade-toting assassin as DJ’s new partner, and an undead pirate Jean Lafitte wants to make her walk his plank. The search for Gerry and the killer turns personal when DJ learns the hard way that loyalty requires sacrifice, allies come from the unlikeliest places, and duty mixed with love serves up one bitter gumbo.

So what do you think? Leave it in the comments and remember to stop by Suzanne's blog to leave her some cover love.

Author Insight:: Book Intimidation (And the giveaway!)

Have you ever set out to read a book and found it intimidating?

"Too intimidating? While there are very few books that I've stopped reading, Naked Lunch always surprises me with it's difficult nature. Intimidating yes but in the best way imaginable." - K. Ryer Breese, author of Future Imperfect

"I am a picky reader. I find books of a sensitive nature intimidating. Books dealing with suicide, abuse, or extreme violence haunt me, so I tend not to read them. I’m quite a sensitive person and take the emotions of a book to heart, and carry them with me for some time which is emotionally draining. So I usually steer clear." - Leigh Fallon, author of The Carrier of the Mark. 

"Yes. Anything that’s really thick with small print freaks me out. The Knife of Never Letting Go is the one that comes to mind." - Elana Johnson, author of Possession. 

"War and Peace, just because it is so huge and long and involved. I had to read it in college. We were just assigned the first part of it, but I had to finish the whole thing as a badge of reading honor. I did it too and it was brilliant. Glad I wasn't too intimidated to finish it!" - Stephanie Kuehnert, author of Ballads of Suburbia. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sisters Red & Sweetly Winner

Two of my lucky readers will soon be the proud owners of signed copies of Sisters Red and advance copies of Sweetly by Jackson Pearce! In fact, they are already packed up and ready to be mailed.

And the winners are...

Ivy L. & Elaine G.

Congratulations!  I'll get the books in the mail to you both this week. Thanks to everyone who entered. Stay tuned for more giveaways.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Creature Feature Friday: Nephilim

Half-human, half-god. Half-man, half-angel. All awesome, at least according to Lynn Marie from Bringing the Epic who is here today to shout her love of the nephilim from the rooftops...

What are the nephilim?
Nephilim are a hybrid of Angels and mortal women. In most cases the story starts biblical (duh, angels!) with the fallen angels coming to earth and consorting with mortal women. Biblically speaking all angels are men and so the case is that the women get left alone on earth to bear a child whose birth will kill them. Consider it a kind of Martyr! The child will usually grow up never knowing their real parents and they are “normal” humans until their angelic side starts to awaken, this is usually around 16 years old! Convenient for the YA genre, right? Lol!

What do you love about nephilim? 
I love the tragic-love behind a nephilim and the choices it lays before them. There are a couple ways to think about it, really. Your mom was SO amazing that an Angel of God fell in love and came to earth to be with her. That was some woman. And knowing that birthing you would kill her she sacrificed herself for the love of both you and your “heavenly” father. Yea, there’s really not a much better way to put that! You can take all that love and let it grow in you and you can do some really powerful good things! OR you can think of what a murderous d-bag your dad was for coming down here and mucking around with mortals who obviously would fall for him, Hell-ooo –Angel?! And then he gets her pregnant and leaves you both all alone. You never know them, never touch their face. They never tell you it’ll be ok and put a bandage on your scraped knee. You could turn all kinds of evil that way!!

There are so many potential stories with nephilim. Who are they? Who will they be? What was their mother like? Who is their father? How did the parties feel? What does God think? That’s one story I’d love to hear. The Bible says God knows us even in the womb, he has laid straight our paths…It’s kind of crazy that one of His own put you on that path with Him, ya know? Does that grant you like, a speed dial to God? You’re celestial, right?

As a nephilim you can also “loan” your body to a fallen angel so he can experience full human senses like in Becca Fitzpatrick’s Hush, Hush! Chauncey is bound to give his body to Patch so he can feel. Not exactly my idea of a vacation, but still such a crazy ability to offer!

On the really girly side, there’s the wings. Thick feathers formed on wings that arch out of the carved back of a muscular young man. But it’s even better because now he’s all super strong but he’s vulnerable because he’s going through so many different emotions and learning things about who he really is! *sigh* OR you could be this girl that walked the halls of your school feeling mediocre about life until you start hearing languages and understanding them! And this power from within you is helping you see your own inner beauty and you really can fly away, because your part angel. Seriously cool stuff here!

I really like different nephilim origins too. Hubby has a whole set of comic books about a nephilim but he’s the only one and his name means “Forever Angel.” He’s actually kind of cursed! And he’s not part angel and part mortal, he’s all angel but considered “fallen” by the terms we see in today's books!

Favorite nephilim in fiction:
The NUMBER ONE coolest Nephilim in books:

 Tom Sniegoski’s The Fallen. Aaron Corbett is a 16 year old kid trying to get through highschool and dreaming about the beautiful girl that’s out of his league when his inner angel starts to awaken. He soon finds out that he’s meant for soo much more than keeping his secret or getting the girl. He could be an actual bridge back to heaven for the fallen angels!

Favorite nephilim in pop-culture:  
Repeat? Well. Sniegoski’s baby was turned into a TV Mini-Series! Paul Wesely – AKA Stephen from The Vampire Diaries – plays Aaron Corbet! The first episode starts off with major similarities to the book but it quickly fades from there. Made me mad, because like most of us in the bookish realm, we love our books and want to see the TV or Movie production of what played in our heads when we read! But still, entertaining and Tom isn’t upset about it so I won’t be!

If you like nephilim then you should read… 
  • The Fallen 1 & The Fallen 2 by Tom Sniegoski
  • The Light Brigade, Comic Book
  • Hush Hush Trilogy by Rebecca Fitzpatrick
  • The Fallen Trilogy by Lauren Kate
  • The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare
  • Hex by Ramona Wray
  • The Bible! It says in Genesis 6:4 “There were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” – Giants is also translated as nephilim! Which suggests the story of David and Goliath was David vs Nephilim! Crazy, right?!


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bruiser by Neal Shusterman

Release Date: May 3, 2011
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Age Group: Young Adult
Format: Audio
Source: Publisher
Buy: Amazon
Description: Goodreads
Don't get me started on the Bruiser. He was voted "Most Likely to Get the Death Penalty" by the entire school. He's the kid no one knows, no one talks to, and everyone hears disturbing rumors about. So why is my sister, Brontë, dating him? One of these days she's going to take in the wrong stray dog, and it's not going to end well.

My brother has no right to talk about Brewster that way—no right to threaten him. There's a reason why Brewster can't have friends—why he can't care about too many people. Because when he cares about you, things start to happen. Impossible things that can't be explained. I know, because they're happening to me.

Award-winning author Neal Shusterman has crafted a chilling and unforgettable novel about the power of unconditional friendship, the complex gear workings of a family, and the sacrifices we endure for the people we love.

Bruiser completely blindsided me. I hadn't even seen a copy on the shelf when an author recommended it mere days before Brilliance Audio offered to send it to me. It was a more intense and emotional book than I ever expected, not only because of the emotions the characters experience but the ones they don't.

What if you didn't have to feel the bad in life? And if you didn't would you ever want it back? Is a carefree existence all it's cracked up to be?

Brewster Rawlins, known to most as "Bruiser", has a reputation. People spread rumors but he's given a wide berth a school, so when Brontë starting dating him her twin brother Tennyson, who's kind of the macho jock, flips his wig. No one, including Tennyson, knows anything about Brewster or his life, but they assume and freely. Tennyson is convinced he's dangerous and determined to drive him away from Brontë.

He sets out to investigate Brew in hopes of digging up the real dirt. Instead, he learns that Brew has taken more pain in his life than he's inflicted and doesn't get close to people because of it. For Brew, caring has consequences, and being alone is safer than letting someone get too close.

It isn't until Brew lets Brontë and Tennyson into his heart that they learn exactly how dangerous it is for him to have friends. At first Brew's secret seems like a gift, but Tennyson and Brontë will have to face their own lives and take back everything that was taken from them if they want to save Brew. Even if it hurts.

Narration by Nick Poedehl (of Will Grayson, Will Grayson), Kate Rudd ( of Tithe), Luke Daniels (of This Dark Endeavor), and Laura Hamilton is superb. The four-part narration makes this story of sacrificing yourself for the ones you love feel incredibly three-dimensional.

I have to admit that four points of view was a little hard to keep up with at first even though the characters announce themselves at the beginning of each chapter. Sometimes there was no telling who was coming next and there were a lot of observations, opinions, and  periphery relationships to keep up with, but after the second or third rotation I had adjusted.

Though I love all of the four, I think Tennyson was my favorite character with a POV. However, Brew's were the most interesting because they are lyrical and had the most depth of emotion. In the hardcover, his chapters are all written a bit like poetry with stanzas and very specific formatting. They feel so immensely personal that at times they feel like diary entries.

As a predominantly paranormal reader, the thing that surprises me most about Bruiser is the it is very nearly genreless. It's not literary per say but it has contemporary setting with aspects of magical realism or the paranormal. All of it works well together and no one thing holds so much of the focus that it takes away from the story.

More Author Insight: Defeating the Deadline

Do you have a strategy when you’re on deadline?

"Turn off the internet. There are no greater distractions in my life than the corner of my screen that announces I have a new email." - Aimee Carter, author of The Goddess Test

"Caffeine. Nap. All-nighter. Nap. Take a shower. Caffeine. Nap. Rinse. Repeat." - Leanna Renee Hieber, author of Darker Still and  The Perilous Prophecy of Guard and Goddess.

"I just count the days left and try to divide my task into manageable chunks. It's helpful to have a desk calendar so that each day's wordcount or specific task is spelled out right in front of you. I'm a listmaker, too. There's something so compelling about crossing items off a list!" - Sonia Gensler, author of The Revenant


"Nope. Deadline is strategy enough. My problem is that I have no strategy when I am NOT on deadline.  I need to believe that someone wants what I am writing.  Really wants it and is possibly going to love it.  Again, it’s like sex.  If someone wants me, well, that’s a deadline, baby oh baby.  And if I have the feeling no one wants me, then I’ll just keep my pants zipped and find something else to do.  That’s why God invented cable TV.  TV Guide and the Bible, I’ve come to learn, are variations of the same book." - Randy Russell, author of Dead Rules.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Giveaway: Sisters Red & Sweetly

Fairytale retelling are all the rage, and Jackson Pearce's latest, Sweetly, comes out next Tuesday. Sweetly, a new take on Hansel & Gretel, is the second book is a series of retellings that began with Sisters Red and will continue next year with Fathomless, a retelling of The Little Mermaid.

In honor of Sweetly's release date I'm giving away two prize packs. Each has a signed finished copy of Sisters Red and an ARC of Sweetly. You can listen to Jackson talk about Sweetly in the video below, which she made a few months ago.

Fill out the form below for your chance to win!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Author Insight: Defeating the Deadline

Do you have a strategy when you’re on deadline?

"No. Just plug away. Faster. Harder. Sometimes I try and outline more than usual." - K. Ryer Breese, author of Future Imperfect

"Not really, It’s just head to the page and write, write, write. I have to admit, I LOVE working to a deadline, I thrive on pressure." - Leigh Fallon, author of The Carrier of the Mark. 

"Send the husband out for dinner, put on the headphones, and get ‘er done." - Elana Johnson, author of Possession. 

"I try to map out a bunch of mini-deadlines or goals--getting certain chapters or sections of the book done by a certain time-- so that I stay on track. I also make writing my first priority, not answering email or checking facebook or anything until I'm done with I wanted to accomplish. Sometimes it means I have no life outside of writing and work, but that's how it has to be!" - Stephanie Kuehnert, author of Ballads of Suburbia. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Retribution winner

Macmillan is giving a copy of the latest book in Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series, Retribution,  away to one of you lucky bibliovores. So who will find a copy of this steamy novel on their doorstep one day soon?


Congratulations! I have forwarded your information along to Macmillan and they will be sending your book out to you. Thanks to everyone who entered. Stay tuned for more giveaways.