Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jessica's 13 Most Anticipated of 2013

Poppy, January 2

At least I won't have to wait much longer for this one! It's a modern take on Wuthering Heights.

Harper Teen, January 22

The Unearthly series has been one of my favorites, and I am way too anxious to see how this all wraps up. I miss Tucker Avery.

Putnam Juvenile, February 26 

MoJo knows how to bring the creepies.

Margaret K. McElderry Books, March 19

I'm terribly excited at the prospect of bawling my eyes out at this book.

Poppy, April 2 

You've Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle in YA book form. All of the yeses.

Harper Teen, April 16

The cover is exquisite, the premise even more. I do love a male narrator.

Dutton Juvenile, May 7

I've been patiently waiting, Stephanie. I have the utmost confidence in the beautiful ending you'll deliver.

Harlequin Teen, May 28

The head-strong Beth was one of my favorite characters from Pushing the Limits, so I can't wait to hear her tale.

Putnam Juvenile, June 18 

This is the kind of historical fiction I love-- strong women, gorgeous writing, magic of all kinds.

EgmontUSA, June 25 

I'm so curious about this one. Who will narrate? Where will the story lead?  Will we get more shirtless Kaleb?

Disney-Hyperion, August 1 

Truth be told, I'm friends with Cristin and have already read this BUT it's just so freaking good. I can't wait to see it in real life book form and read it all over again.

Dutton Juvenile, 2013


Simon & Schuster Children's, September 26

Cliffhanger much? How will the trio cover up and recover from what's happened to their targets?


  1. Clockwork Princess!!!!!! AHHHH YESSS!!

  2. I'm also so excited for This is What Happy Looks Like and Isla and the Happily Ever After! So many awesome books on your list, Jessica! Happy 2013!

  3. O_O Another book by Gayle Forman!!? How did I not know of this? *runs around the house like a maniac* And the Clockwork Princess *grabby hands* no need to elaborate there :D

    Kaina @ These Flying Pages
